1 Cabernet Sauvignon

This type of grape has grown in popularity significantly due to its being used for making well-known Bordeaux red wines. A vast variety of great red wines are produced from Cabernet Sauvignon grape in California and Washington these days. Cabernet Sauvignon is also extremely popular among winemakers in Argentina, Australia, Chile, Italy, France and many other countries. It is worth noting that some Australian winemakers choose to blend Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah grapes for producing red wines.           

2 Merlot

Merlot grape is a key ingredient of many Bordeaux red wines. This grape is also planted in Australia, California, Chile, the Long Island district of New York and the West Coast of the United States. Red wines made from Merlot grape are soft and easy to drink. That’s why Merlot wines are the ideal choice for beginner wine drinkers. It is important to note that these wines are universal, so they go well with almost any food.       

3 Pinot Noir

Pinot Noir is another popular type of red wine grape. The special climate and soil conditions are required for planting Pinot Noir grape. This type of grape is grown in different parts of Australia, Chile, California as well as New Zealand. Wines made from Pinot Noir grape are very similar to red Burgundy (that is produced in France). Pinot Noir wines have different aromas and tastes. The point is that aroma and taste of the wines depend significantly on how and where grape is grown. Oftentimes, Pinot Noir is blended with other types of grapes for producing red wines.           

4 Syrah (Shiraz)

Syrah (also known as Shiraz) grape is used for making such great wines as Côte-Rôtie and Hermitage. This type of red wine grape is particularly popular in the northern part of France’s Rhône Valley. Syrah grape is also grown in Australia, Italy, Spain as well as the United States. When making wines, Syrah is often blended with Grenache and other types of red wine grapes. Australian producers choose to blend Syrah and Cabernet grapes for making very delicious red wine.   

5 Zinfandel

Zinfandel is considered to be one of the oldest grapes. The grape of this type is very popular in California. However, the origins of this red wine grape remain to be unknown. Zinfandel red wines come in a vast variety of aromas and flavors. Zinfandel grape is best known as red wine grape. However, the grape is widely used for producing white wines as well. White Zinfandel wine is extremely popular among wine lovers from all over the world.