It goes without saying that the Canadian wine industry is very important for the economy of the country. In this blog, we’ll talk about the most interesting facts about the Canadian wine and grape industry. 

– You need to know that there are 476 grape wineries as well as more than 1,600 vineyards in Canada. Totally, vineyards occupy more than 26,000 acres of land in Canada.

– Canadians consume more wine than beer and spirits. They purchase up to 30% of all wines produced in Canada. The report has found that Canadians drink about 1 billion glasses of wines (it is equal to 220 bottles of wines).       

– According to the report released in 2013, Canadian wine industry generates the revenue of $6.8 billion annually, so it makes a huge positive impact on the Canadian industry. The statistical data show that about $3.3 billion is generated by wine making regions in Ontario; about $2.0 billion is generated by wine making regions in British Columbia; about $805 million is generated by wine making regions in Quebec; about $196 million is generated by wine making regions in Nova Scotia and $459 millions is generated by wine making regions in other areas of Canada.

– As it has been mentioned above, the wine industry creates great job opportunities for Canadians and makes a huge contribution to the country’s job market. The research has found that up to 31,000 employees work in the Canadian wine industry these days. About 854 full time jobs have been created Nova Scotia wine and grape industry. Obviously, the wineries of Nova Scotia make a huge contribution to the economy of the region.     

– It’s interesting to know that the Canadian wine industry makes a huge contribution to the development of the tourism industry in Canada. The fact is that country’s vineyards and wineries attract more than 3,000,000 tourists annually. So, the grape and wine industry brings up to $1.2 billion to the Canadian travel industry. About 100,000 tourists visited wineries in Canada, according to the statistical data of 2013. It’s worth noting that the number of tourists, who want to visit wine producing regions in Canada, is growing year after year. 

This article contains the research data provided by the following organizations: the Canadian Vintners Association, the British Columbia Wine Institute, the Winery & Grower Alliance of Ontario as well as the Winery Association of Nova Scotia.