Obviously, it’s so important for wine lovers to know what wines match with seafood best and what seafood should be selected for drinking wine. On the other hand, you should have an understanding of how to cook seafood dishes for wine. Here are a few tips for pairing wine with seafood.

What Seafood Goes Well with Wine

It’s important to point out that picking up seafood for wine is not a very difficult task. Now, we’ll tell you what seafood can be chosen for wine. In addition, we’ll provide you with some seafood and wine pairings.

Do you want to taste wine with prawns or shrimps? If so, it’s a great idea to consider such wines as Albarino, Pinot Grigio and Vinho Verde. If shellfish is more to your liking, then it makes sense to consider such wines as Alsatian Gewurztraminer, Gruner Veltliner, Sauvignon Blanc or Vouvray. Keep in mind that Salmon goes well with such wines as Merlot and Pinot Noir. Would you like to taste mackerel with wines? Obviously, such wines as Moscophilero and Pinot Noir are worth buying! Are you selecting good wine to taste with mussels? There is no doubt that Muscadet wines would be the right choice! If you would like to pair wine with cold lobsters, then keep an eye on wines like Albarino, Gewurztraminer, Sancerre or Vintage. It is a great idea to pair such wines as Chardonnay and Meursault with grilled lobster.                      

What Wines Go Well with Seafood

As you can see, a lot of great wines are available today. However, it’s crucial for you to know that not all wines go with seafood well. That means that you may find it difficult to choose the right wine to pair with seafood. For this reason, we have decided to provide you with the list of the best wines to pair with seafood. In addition, we’ll recommend you the right seafood for each of these wines.  

Among the wines that go best with seafood are: Albarino and Verdelho (these wines go well with clams, crabs, lobsters, mussels and shellfish); Chenin Blanc, Italian Vermentino, Greek Assyrtiko, Sauvignon Blanc as well as Pinot Grigio (these wines go well with lobsters, raw clams, oysters, shrimps and white fish); Dry Fino Sherry (this wine goes well with cooked shrimps); Chardonnay, Italian Grillo, Viognier as well as Pinot Gris (these wines go well with bluefish and mackerel); Gamay, Grenache, Pinot Noir as well as Sangiovese (these wines go well with bluefish, marlin, mackerel, salmon, swordfish and tuna).

Thanks for reading our tips for pairing wine with seafood. It goes without saying that it’s amazing to drink wine with seafood. So, it’s time to purchase a bottle of great wine and pick up the right seafood. Enjoy drinking wine with seafood!