Sending Samples to Ontario, Canada
Sending Samples
For the submission and pre-submission processes, the LCBO requires detailed information about your product(s) and physical samples. Please follow the instructions below when sending samples to Ontario:

Step One
Please ensure that the bottles are individually wrapped and shipped in styrofoam wrappers or equivalent.

Step Two
Unless otherwise instructed, please ship three bottles.

Step Three
Wrap the cartons, and address them as follows:
Loyal Imports Ltd., Warehouse Location
343 Olivewood Rd Toronto, Ontario Canada, M8Z 2Z6
Tel: +1 888 494-4334

Step Four

Step Five
Ship the bottles of wine or spirit airfreight, prepaid, and insured.

Step Six
Please inform the Loyal Imports Ltd. as to the flight number and airway bill number once the goods have been shipped.
Please Note:
PLEASE NOTE: No more than 45 litres (ex. 5 cases of 12 x 750 ml) can be sent at one time in one airway bill. This is the maximum quantity allowed by Canada Customs to clear and release to Loyal International Trading daily. If more than that quantity is shipped at one time, on one airway bill, the samples are automatically turned over to the liquor board and lost to AWS. When shipping more than the limit allowed, please split the shipment accordingly and send the cases under separate dates.
How to Complete the Canada Customs Invoice
The Canada Customs Invoice needs to accompany the shipment and should be included with the paperwork that is given to the courier company, as well as being attached to the shipment. You can find pre-filled ci1 forms below. Only fill in the fields indicated below:

Field One: Vendor

Field Two: Date of Direct Shipment to Canada
The date you shipped the samples.

Field Seven: Country of Origin of Goods

Field Eleven: Number of Packages

Field 12: Specifications of Commodities

Field 13: Quantity

Field 14: Unit Price
Reasonable Declared Value, usually about $2.5 CDN/Bottle. Please ask Loyal Imports to provide you with a reasonable value.
About Loyal Imports Ltd.
Loyal Imports is a full service sales and marketing company committed to selling wine, beer and spirits throughout Canada. Our commitment to deliver great products, great service and product knowledge to our customers sets Loyal Imports in a unique position in the marketplace, as a strategic business partner and not just an agent/importer/distributor.
Our Licenses
Loyal Imports is fully licensed by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (#62530) and Liquor Control Board of Ontario (#1218) to canvas for, receive, or solicit orders for the sale of beverage alcohol products and perform marketing support.
Get in Touch with Us
343 Olivewood Rd Toronto ON M8Z 2Z6
Tel: +1 (888) 494-4334